ISHOW Kenya: May 19, 2020

Congratulations to our ISHOW 2020 Kenya Winners!

Congratulations ISHOW 2020 Kenya Winners!

Congratulations ISHOW 2020 Kenya Winners!

2020 Kenya Finalists

Ina Lite

Ina Lite is a sustainable, affordable, portable, light-weight, thermoelectric generator which harnesses heat energy to generate electricity which is accessible from a USB power port.

ECO Food Dehydrators
ECO Egypt

ECO is the only Arab food dehydrator provider and the second in Africa. It enables farmers to turn crop surpluses that usually go to waste into powdered food in just hours. This allows farmers to gain a 30 times increase in revenues. This increase in revenue benefits rural women and enhances food security. Based on innovation and appropriate technology, ECO has been granted a patent and awards from UNDP, EU, Austria, Egypt, UK, and Nigeria.
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Inteco Kenya Ltd.

Inteco works in the menstrual hygiene ecosystem and focuses on the distribution and supply chain management of donated sanitary pads to adolescent girls in schools. We firm up the value chain by eradicating any human interference, ensure that sanitary pads are being used by the intended user, and create cheaper systems for accountability and monitoring. We do this by installing sanitary pads dispensers in schools, which allows students to get a pad when they need it using NFC cards.

Styro-Plastic Densifier
Green Pavers

Traditional building and construction materials are expensive. The innovative Styro-Plastic Densifier from Green Pavers turns tons of waste plastic littering the streets and landfills into durable and affordable building materials making our cities and communities more green-friendly and sustainable.

Solar Cooking Boiler
Ecobora Company

We are equipping rural marginalized schools with our patented solar-powered cook stove that permits around the clock cooking, by tapping the sun’s energy and storing it in a repurposed oil tank with waste motor oil as an effective carbon sink tank. This eliminates the need of firewood by 100%. The stove is affordable and provides heat energy even during rainy seasons. We license our technology to already existing boiler fabricators and Jua Kali artisans who engineer and distribute the stoves saving schools 100% cooking cost-money. The money saved equips science and computer laboratories to offer quality education to students.

Halisi Trolley
Zuhura Solutions

The Halisi Trolley is a transportable solar-powered street food vending trolley. It is fitted with a solar panel, lithium battery, tamper-proof AC and DC charging system, mobile phone charging component, and an interface that can monitor both the temperature of the trolley to the precise location of the Trolley itself.

Kuniokoa TURBO Stove
BURN Manufacturing Co.

The TURBO is a forced draft biomass stove that is compatible with Pay-As-You-Go (“PAYG”) solar systems and is more efficient and cleaner-burning than our innovative Kuniokoa stove. The TURBO has the addition of a 1.4-Watt fan, which increases mixing above and below the fuel bed, allowing the stove to burn agricultural waste briquettes, wet wood, and dry wood faster, cleaner, and more efficiently. The TURBO decreases time to boil by ~60% and decreases the tending interval by 30%. The TURBO can burn wood fuel with up to 27% moisture content (wet basis) as clean as LPG. The TURBO, once launched, will be the only production household cookstove in the world that achieves ISO/IWA “Tier 4” performance with agricultural waste briquettes.

MicroFuse Technologies

Cipher is a tool that enables you to diagnose and detect cerebral malarial retinopathy with a smartphone and also captures data relating to every patient. This would be of immense help not just in urban settings but also in remote areas where it could just be a split-second decision to treat a child for malaria or consider other causes of illness which could be life-threatening as well.

Social Voting for Kenya Finalists has closed.

2020 Kenya Judges & Facilitators

Adam Horbinski
Adam Horbinski
Product Designer
- Catapult Design

Adam is a product designer who specializes in concept development, from sketch ideation through functional prototype. With backgrounds in Product Design and Sociology, he's driven to solve real-world problems and create meaningful experiences by reimagining the way people connect with product.  

Eddine Sarroukh
Eddine Sarroukh
Research & Innovation
- Philips

Head of research for Philips Africa. Multi-disciplinary expertise in technology and focused on end-user centric innovation.

James Creel
James Creel
Senior Program Manager

As ISHOW Lead, James has been a strong proponent of social innovations, lean startups, hardware, research, and entrepreneurship since 2011.  

Anand Sethupathy
Anand Sethupathy
Managing Director, Programs & Philanthropy

Experienced Corporate Social Responsibility professional with specialized expertise in building programs that enable the nonprofit / NGO sector to leverage technology to scale and accelerate social impact. Previously built and managed software products for the Nonprofit and Corporate Sectors. 

Izael Da Silva
Izael Da Silva
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC), Research and Innovation
- Strathmore University

Renewable Energy specialist with 20+ years' experience in research and academic leadership. I have been working with Government Ministries, Development Agencies such as GIZ, Sida, the World Bank, etc.. My key areas of interest are Rural Electrification, Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Policy, Sustainable Development, and Demand Side Management.

Peter Kyeyune
Peter Kyeyune
- Engineering For Change

Responsible for content development via data framework design and normalization for solutions presented on the Engineering for Change Solutions Library platform focusing on the Transport Solutions. 

Ignatius Maranga
Ignatius Maranga
Renewable Energy Engineer and Engineering for Change Fellow
- Strathmore University

Ignatius is a graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (J.K.U.A.T). He is a Quality Engineer at Strathmore University, Energy Research Center. His research interests include Renewable Energy for Development, Electric Mobility and the Power System Distribution Network. He is a past Energy Fellow of Engineering for Change (E4C) Research Fellowship and past ASME ISHOW finalist.

Iana Aranda
Iana Aranda
Tech4Dev Engineer
- Engineering for Change

Mechanical Engineer, President of Engineering for Change, LLC (E4C), Director of Engineering for Global Development at ASME, Serial intrapreneur and tech4dev advocate.

Prof. Madara Ogot
Prof. Madara Ogot
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research Production and Extension (Ag.)
- University of Nairobi

Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research, Innovation, and Enterprise at the University of Nairobi.

June Madete, PhD
June Madete, PhD
Kenyatta University
- Senior Lecturer

June Madete is a Biomechanics engineer, researcher and senior lecturer at Kenyatta University with special interest and expertise in motion analysis software and hardware. Her previous research involved combination of this technique with animal research in the field of euro science, video fluoroscopy, x-ray and CT data.

Pauline Kanana
Pauline Kanana
Co-Founder and Head of Program
- Nairobi Design Institute

Pauline is the Co-Founder and Head of Program at Nairobi Design Institute. She is excited about designing experiences that are human-centered to create interventions and opportunities that address the needs and challenges that our communities face. She aims to do this through strategic design education to give people the freedom and independence to use design to empathize, strategize, creatively conceptualize ideas, build and iterate prototypes, and create contextualized experiences for Africa.

Grace Burleson
Grace Burleson
Water USA
- Oregon State University

Current research works to integrate and evaluate improved clean water and cooking technologies for institutions, such as schools and hospitals, in low-resource contexts.

Mariela Machado
Mariela Machado
Program Manager

Mariela is a telecommunications engineer with a Master of Science in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and MPA in Development Practice from Columbia University. In her role as Program Manager at E4C, she leads ICT4D initiatives and partnerships across all programs and supports strategic planning, implementation, and management of E4C programs in the Engineering for global development space. 

Ryan Vinyard
Ryan Vinyard
Hardware Startup Consultant
- Vinyard Product Development

Ryan designs stable and scalable frameworks for growing hardware startups, aligning both the product and business strategies. Integrating with your team, he can effectively communicate across roles and disciplines, from the concrete engineering details to pitch decks. His expertise is in hardware product development, manufacturing, project management, process creation and flow, and strategic development.

Dr. Beatrice Murage
Dr. Beatrice Murage
Senior Scientist Health Informatics
- Philips Research Africa

Beatrice is a systems leader experienced in healthcare, startups, digital technology, big data, and analytics. She is passionate about creating and applying digital solutions to strengthen healthcare services in emerging markets and to progress the larger UN  SDGs. Beatrice is actively involved in the Women in Technology scene in Africa and Europe. She is a medical doctor and a certified Project Management Professional, with an International MBA and Master Business Analytics & Big Data from IE Business School, Spain.

Robert Hauck
Robert Hauck
- ASME Engineering Global Development Committee

Bob served in a variety of roles for GE for over 30 years and led a global team of over 350 engineers. Bob previously served as the Chairperson of ASME's Engineering Global Development Committee and has provided manufacturing guidance and expertise to ISHOW finalists as a judge since 2015.
